We have capabilities for any execution: onshore, offshore, subsea, "inside the fence" complex, storage terminals and pipelines of every of every service and operational conditions. We are the only mexican supplier of services and solutions for the interventions of pipelines in shallow-waters.
It is a procedure to create a branch on the main pipeline. This activity is carried out to avoid a production stoppage and is carried out safely. We carry out drilling from 2” to 48” in diameter, with horizontal, vertical and/or angular firing orientation.
This procedure is implemented after drilling to temporarily isolate a section of the main pipeline, enabling maintenance and/or repair work without halting production. This is achieved through external or internal bypass systems. We offer services for diameters ranging from 2” to 48” in various configurations, including single, double, external bypass, internal bypass, and double-double setups. Obturations can be performed using a mechanical head and/or balloons.
It is a gas depressurization and recovery solution, eliminating the need to voluntarily flare or vent/purge natural gas associated with gas pipeline maintenance and relocation operations, allowing any gas transportation or distribution company to comply with the strictest environmental regulations in the world sector.